Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend

utworzone przez | lis 29, 2024 | Aktualności, WP4 - Praktyczny Moduł edukacyjny i AgroLaby | 0 komentarzy

„Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend” składają się z pięknych tekstów i piosenek z platformy z lekcjami w szkoleniu stworzonym przez L4Y Learning For Youth. Więcej wpisów można znaleźć tutaj.

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Teksty piosenek są w języku angielskim.

Table of Contents

Hymn GrandFriend

[Wers 1]

Hey, what’s up? Here’s the deal, let’s talk today,

About agriculture’s future in a brand new way.

It’s Project GrandFriend, from Europe we unite,

Erasmus+ is the funder, for change we ignite.

You’ve heard of AgroLabs, you’ve seen the guides,

But now we’re digging deeper, so open your eyes.

This isn’t just farming, it’s connection at its best, With the elders who’ve been through every test.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

Let’s grow this land with wisdom and might,

With GrandFriend guidance, we’ll set it right.

From Digital Games to practical plans,

Together we’ll work with these experienced hands.

Citizens in Power, KMOP, and more,

From Polish Farms to every shore.

Learning’s our mission, the future’s our friend,

With the GrandFriend team, the growth won’t end.

[Wers 2]

It’s more than just crops, it’s how we connect,

Bridging young and old with mutual respect.

Sustainable practices passed down the line,

A cycle of learning that only grows fine.

See, these Agro Entrepreneurs paved the way,

With stories, skills, and wisdom to convey.

And we, the next gen, picking up the plow,

Will carry it forward, make it happen now.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

Let’s grow this land with wisdom and might,

With GrandFriend guidance, we’ll set it right.

From Digital Games to practical plans,

Together we’ll work with these experienced hands.

Challedu, KMOP, and CIP too,

We’ve got a global team to see this through.

With hands in the soil, eyes on the prize,

The fields of tomorrow in our sights rise.


Raise awareness, bridge the divide,

For intergenerational change worldwide.

With lifelong learning, step up the game,

Agriculture’s future will never be the same.

It’s Project GrandFriend, hear the call,

Young, old, together—let’s stand tall.

With guides and modules, practical tools,

Let’s change the world, rewrite the rules.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

Let’s grow this land with wisdom and might,

With GrandFriend guidance, we’ll set it right.

From Digital Games to practical plans,

Together we’ll work with these experienced hands.

Polish Advisory, L4Y, and all,

Answering this intergenerational call.

With every field, each seed we sow, GrandFriend leads, we rise and grow.


So here’s to farming, the young and the wise,

Let’s lift each other, reach for the skies.

For Project GrandFriend, it’s only begun,

Together in the fields, we stand as one.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Bridging Fields

Poniższy tekst i piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 2 – Życie dawnych agroprzedsiębiorców podczas COVID-19

Ta lekcja koncentruje się na wpływie pandemii na starszych rolników (65+), badając ich doświadczenia, adaptacje i wyzwania. Podkreśla odporność starszych rolników w radzeniu sobie z zakłóceniami w łańcuchu dostaw, pracy i globalnym handlu.

[Wers 1]

We’re talkin’ old hands, seasoned with soil,

Days in the fields, years full of toil,

Now meet the young guns, with visions anew,

Degrees in their hands, fresh seeds to pursue.

But COVID hit hard, it broke down the gates,

Supply chains tangled, and freight cost inflates.

Old ways were shaken, the markets went cold,

Yet through the storms, their wisdom unfolds.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

So let’s bridge these fields, plantin’ seeds of change,

Between GrandFriends and youth in the agro-range.

From food chain struggles to the labour drain, Together we stand, through sun and rain.

[Wers 2]

GrandFriend fought when the world shut down,

Found ways through crises to feed the town.

Global food trade, rocked to the core,

Policies shifted, cut profit to the floor.

Newbies step up, with tech and degrees,

Mapping out paths through global disease.

Food habits changed, the markets got strange, From bulk to singles, a fast rearrange.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Brydż]

Labour shortages cut us close, tight on time,

Borders sealed up, left farms behind.

Older hands teach what it means to adapt, When you’re faced with the world’s vicious traps.

[Wers 3]

So, what can we learn from these seasoned vets?

Through challenges faced, no room for regrets.

Perishables wasted, while storage was stressed,

But they found ways through, passed every test.

Younger minds, hear this, this path’s no breeze,

Global GDP hit low degrees.

We’re all tied together, no matter the age,

In the food supply chain and this world’s stage.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

So let’s bridge these fields, plantin’ seeds of change,

Between GrandFriends and youth in the agro-range.

From food chain struggles to the labour drain,

Together we rise, through sun and rain.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Outro]

Erasmus+ and COVID scars,

These stories connect us, no matter how far.

Food’s the common ground we tread,

Old to young, we share the bread.

GrandFriend in the Fields

Poniższy tekst i piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 3 – Życie nowych agroprzedsiębiorców podczas COVID-19.

Lekcja podobna do lekcji 2, ale skupia się na nowszych rolnikach (w wieku 30-45 lat), szczegółowo opisując, w jaki sposób dostosowali się oni do zmian w zachowaniach konsumentów i nowych platform cyfrowych spowodowanych pandemią, która wpłynęła na handel detaliczny żywnością i preferencje kulinarne.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Wers 1


From the ground up, seeds sowed with hands so old,

GrandFriends in the fields, stories yet untold.

Back when times were tough and tech was slow,

They taught resilience, let their wisdom flow.

COVID hit hard—shook the core, the roots,

Shifts in sales and a rise in food pursuits.

Young ones, listen up, there’s gold in their tales,

On how to stand tall when the system fails.



We’re bridging the gap, old soil meets new seeds,

In fields of change, where each story leads.

From online shifts to essentials in demand,

Together we rise, with wisdom hand in hand.

Wers 2


Changes in the buying, patterns that don’t quit,

Stockpiling fears and essentials in the kit.

Consumers turned local, brands lost the race,

Old folks adapted—kept up the pace.

E-commerce soared, but rural stayed behind,

Without internet speed, it’s a narrow bind.

Young minds with degrees and plans anew,

Here’s the landscape you’re stepping into.



We’re bridging the gap, old soil meets new seeds,

In fields of change, where each story leads.

From online shifts to essentials in demand,

Together we rise, with wisdom hand in hand.



Home kitchens lit up, food waste cut down,

People cooking smarter, no waste in town.

Storage expanded, for shortages unknown,

Each lesson learned, from seeds that were sown.

Old habits mix with fresh visions of green,

Environmental dreams, and tech unseen.

COVID came, but it couldn’t kill the ground,

Look to GrandFriends, there’s common ground found.

Wers 3


Brand loyalty shifted, trust took a hit,

New faces in the market, trying to fit.

Old farmers know that it’s all about trust,

Products that stand when the world combusts.

From policy to practice, it’s a long game,

For young and old alike, it’s all the same.

So here’s the torch, take it, make your way,

Learn from the past, and let it light your day.

Outro Refren


Bridging the gap, with fields of green,

Through ups, downs, and lessons seen.

From old hands rough to young hands free,

Together we grow, like an endless tree.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Fields of Change

Poniższy tekst i piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 4 – Stereotypy w rolnictwie i edukacji dorosłych (AE).

Ta lekcja dotyczy stereotypów, zwłaszcza ról związanych z płcią, w rolnictwie. Obejmuje studia przypadków z życia wziętych pokazujące, jak kobiety-przedsiębiorcy rzucają wyzwanie tradycyjnym rolom, zachęcając do dyskusji na temat przełamywania stereotypów.

[Wers 1]

(Wolny, mówiony)

They say farming’s a man’s game, out in the field with grit,

But step onto these farms, see who’s truly holding it.

It’s Kate and her bed and breakfast, blending life and work,

Jane with her care farm, breaking down stereotypes in every quirk.

And Rachel, she’s running her family’s farm with pride, A campsite, a legacy, that she won’t let slide.

[Wers 2]

(Słowo mówione łączy się z rytmem)

Look at Kate, she’s got Scott by her side, dairy farming’s his skill,

But she’s running that B&B with passion and will.

Once a city girl, no ag background, just a heart full of grit,

She turned that farm around, made it more than a rural stint.

Then there’s Jane and Patrick on that care farm grind,

Pigs and a tree nursery, a fusion of two minds.

She’s a nurse by trade, now caring on the land,

Her vision for the farm grows as demand expands.

Rachel, she’s rooted in her family’s soil,

Swapping dairy for a campsite, her hard work and toil.

A future built with Joe, they’re expanding their place,

A coastal farm for all, in the farming race.


(Refleksyjny, łagodny)

In these fields of change, see the breaking line,

Old ways fall back as new stars shine.

Young minds and women at the forefront lead,

In agri-business, we plant a modern seed.


Fields of change, we’re planting seeds of respect,

Women in ag-business, what’d you expect?

From GrandFriends to care farms, Erasmus+ in our hands,

Breaking down walls, in this wide-spread land.

Women in agri, a force we defend,

Reshaping the future, let stereotypes end.


(Mówione, spokojne)

It’s more than dirt and fields, it’s a vision reborn,

Agriculture’s changing, this is the new norm.

With Kate, Jane, Rachel, leading the way,

Fields of change, paving a brighter day.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Roots and Rise

Poniższy tekst i piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 5 – Narracje o agroprzedsiębiorczości i tereny rolnicze jako dziedzictwo.

Ta lekcja omawia ewolucję rolnictwa i jego znaczenie jako dziedzictwa, podkreślając, w jaki sposób starsi rolnicy zachowują i przekazują wiedzę. Obejmuje również postęp technologiczny i porównuje tradycyjne i nowoczesne metody rolnicze.

[Wers 1]

They knew the earth like kin, the soil a sacred friend,

Mr. Smith in fields that seemed to never end.

He’d plow each row, watch the seasons spin,

Through hands-on work, where true roots begin.

But now we stand in new light, where tech takes a lead,

Hydroponic drip systems, engineered seed.

From “Traditional Cultivation VS Hydroponic” ways,

A shift that redefines our harvest days.


Here’s to the rise, a GrandFriend’s grace,

Old roots meet new skies, side by side they embrace.

Erasmus+ built the bridge, hand in hand, How agro-entrepreneurs innovate the land.

[Wers 2]

Vertical farms stretch like ladders to the sun,

Stacked in rows, where crops grow as one.

Precision in every drop, each leaf by design,

Modern minds shape food, with future aligned.

Yet the soil still breathes in our stories and names,

A legacy upheld through the hard-won gains.

It’s the strength of the past, as we evolve and refine,

Agro-tech growing with a purpose, entwined.


Here’s to the rise, a GrandFriend’s grace,

Old roots meet new skies, side by side they embrace.

Erasmus+ built the bridge, hand in hand,

How agro-entrepreneurs innovate the land.


It’s “living with” tech, not just tools in the field,

Adapting and shaping what tomorrow will yield.

Machines and knowledge weave a seamless blend,

Progress led by the hands that mend.

Mr. Smith paved the way, but we keep his pace,

With new paths to tread, in this boundless space.

From hydro to heritage, every method we own,

Our strength in unity, our future grown.

[Wers 3]

They say it’s “Vertical Farming Advantages” now,

More food, less ground, stacked row by row.

Yet in every tech leap, tradition’s not lost,

It’s the bond to the earth, no matter the cost.

From agroforestry to systems so sleek,

Innovation grows where old meets unique.

With each turn of progress, we honor what’s gone,

Carving the future, but the roots live on.


Here’s to the rise, a GrandFriend’s grace,

Old roots meet new skies, side by side they embrace.

Erasmus+ built the bridge, hand in hand,

How agro-entrepreneurs innovate the land.


So, here’s to the fields, both ancient and bold,

To wisdom retold and the young hearts enrolled.

In every farm, a legacy stands,

As tech meets the earth, across all lands.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Harvest of Horizons

Tekst i poniższa piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 6 – Spojrzenie na rolnictwo XX wieku z nastawieniem na XXI wiek.

Ta lekcja przedstawia historyczne spojrzenie na rolnictwo, wprowadzając rolnictwo precyzyjne i badając przejście od tradycyjnych do zaawansowanych technologicznie metod, takich jak GPS i technologia czujników, w celu optymalizacji produkcji roślinnej.

Wers 1

The land recalls each touch upon its face,

From wooden plows to steel’s unyielding grace.

A century of toil beneath the sun,

Now dawns a future that’s only just begun.

GPS-guided equipment tills the fields,

Where once our instincts gauged the harvest yields.

Drones soar above, sensors delve below,

Precision farming lets the old ways grow.


But it’s more than just machines or gleaming screens,

It’s feeding souls through labour and through dreams.


Oh, GrandFriend soil with roots both deep and strong,

From hard-earned days to where our hearts belong.

Precision dreams ascend on wings of light,

Bridging dusty paths to horizons bright.

Wers 2

Erasmus+ minds now guide the new frontier,

Teaching us to farm without the fear.

Variable Rate Technology in hand,

Minimizing waste across the land.

In livestock fields, precision is the norm,

Sensors keep the herds secure and warm.

Better resource management we attain,

Improving use so wastage won’t remain.


Yet still the heartbeat of the field remains,

The pride of harvest and the family’s gains.


Oh, GrandFriend soil with roots both deep and strong,

From hard-earned days to where our hearts belong.

Precision dreams ascend on wings of light,

Bridging dusty paths to horizons bright.


From overused to balanced and restrained,

We farm the future with resources gained.

Precision Crop and Livestock farming’s might,

Minimizing waste, guiding with light.

Wers 3

Risk meets reward in every planted row,

Sensors guide us where the best seeds grow.

It’s hope renewed with every season’s turn,

Lessons passed down, new wisdom we discern.

So here’s to land, from past into the now,

To hands that guide the tech and held the plow.


Oh, GrandFriend soil with roots both deep and strong,

From hard-earned days to where our hearts belong.

Precision dreams ascend on wings of light,

Bridging dusty paths to horizons bright.


Fields of tomorrow where traditions blend,

With each new season’s call, our hearts ascend.

From humble starts to technology’s stand,

It’s the tale of growth and love of the land.

Seeds of Renewal

Poniższy tekst i piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 7 – Współczesne praktyki rolnicze.

Podkreśla ona zrównoważone praktyki, takie jak rolnictwo ekologiczne, permakultura i rolnictwo regeneracyjne. Analizuje korzyści i wyzwania związane z tymi metodami oraz omawia unijną strategię „od pola do stołu” na rzecz zrównoważonych systemów żywnościowych.

Wers 1

In fields where ancient soils run deep,

Not everything is as it seems to be.

A hidden story of growth untold,

Beyond the harvest, deeper truths unfold.

From permaculture’s enduring roots,

To soils that thrive and bear fresh fruits.

Conventional farming left scars unseen,

While organic methods strive to keep it green.


Can we design the perfect farm,

Sustainable, free from harm?

Where hands in soil rediscover what’s real,

With every seed, the earth can heal.


We’re learning now, though progress slow,

What it means to help life grow.

With hope in seeds and soil’s embrace,

A world renewed, a better place.

Wers 2

Across biodiverse lands life sings,

Each part of nature’s tapestry brings.

Regenerative paths to heal the ground,

In every leaf, new purpose found.

GrandFriend’s wisdom, Erasmus+ ties,

Teaching youth to realize

That soil health can improve again,

In caring hands that heal and mend.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Pre-refren

The fight to keep what nature gave,

Ecological resilience we crave.

Protecting fields that feed us all,

Answering the environmental call.


We’re learning now, though progress slow,

What it means to help life grow.

With hope in seeds and soil’s embrace,

A world renewed, a better place.


Contemporary practices we must transform,

Embrace sustainable agriculture as the norm.

Biodiversity conservation is our quest,

For improved food quality, we invest.

From local food production, we will grow,

With hands that care and hearts that know.

In regenerative agriculture, we trust,

Protecting Earth becomes a must.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Refren

We’re learning now, though progress slow,

What it means to help life grow.

With hope in seeds and soil’s embrace,

A world renewed, a better place.


Together we plant, together we grow,

From humble roots to fields, we sow.

In harmony with nature’s plan,

We heal the earth; we make our stand.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Seeds of Success

Poniższy tekst i piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 8 – Postawa przedsiębiorcza.

Introduces key traits for successful agro-entrepreneurship—decisiveness, resilience, humility, accountability, and confidence. Through case studies, participants examine these traits in real-world decision-making scenarios.


(Mówione, motywujące)
This is more than just farming, it’s a mindset –
From the ground up, we build it right, we make moves and we don’t quit.
With the strength of the soil and the fire inside,
Let’s grow more than crops; let’s grow a legacy wide.

[Wers 1: Zdecydowanie i pewność siebie]

(Powolne narastanie, nasilający się rytm)
It starts with a choice, yeah, a line in the dirt,
Gotta step up, take action, even if it hurts.
Decisiveness is key, don’t sit back and wait,
Clear plans, fast moves, that’s how we elevate.

Confidence flows, like water to seed,
“Knowing” what’s right, it’s all that we need.
No hesitation, we’re strong, standin’ tall,
When you believe, man, you answer the call.


(Optymistyczny, wzmacniający)
We’re plantin’ seeds of success in this ground,
In every choice, in every sound.
Decisive and bold, with heads held high,
Agriculture’s future, we’re reachin’ the sky.


[Wers 2: Odpowiedzialność i odporność]

(Mocny rytm, głęboki bas)
Accountability, yeah, we own what we do,
Win or lose, it’s all on me and you.
It’s a promise, a pact, we don’t pass the blame,
In the field of dreams, we’re buildin’ our name.

When storms come crashin’, crops might bend,
Resilience kicks in—it’s the farmer’s friend.
Through the droughts and the floods, we keep it steady,
Back to the earth, strong hands at the ready.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

(To samo co powyżej, mocny przekaz)
We’re plantin’ seeds of success in this ground,
In every choice, in every sound.
Decisive and bold, with heads held high,
Agriculture’s future, we’re reachin’ the sky.


Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Wers 3: Pokora i przedsiębiorcza wizja]

(Wolniejszy, refleksyjny ton, narastający do punktu kulminacyjnego)
Humility grows where wisdom finds light,
Knowin’ we need each other, that’s right.
In this world of change, we work side by side,
Our strength is our roots, where pride can’t hide.

The entrepreneurial mind, it’s vision that feeds,
New ways to grow, for the next generation’s needs.
It’s not just a farm, it’s a future we’re buildin’,
With every plant, a purpose, a dream fulfillin’.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

(Końcowy refren, nieco spowolniony z kulminacyjnym rytmem)
We’re plantin’ seeds of success in this ground,
In every choice, in every sound.
Decisive and bold, with heads held high,
Agriculture’s future, we’re reachin’ the sky.



(Mówione, stanowcze)
So take each step with strength and care,
Your dreams are rooted deep somewhere.
With the tools of mindset and soil combined,
Growin’ more than crops, you’re growin’ a mind.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Blueprint for Success

Poniższy tekst i piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 9 – Opracowywanie biznesplanu.

Koncentruje się na podstawach biznesowych, takich jak analiza rynku, analiza konkurencji, planowanie finansowe i analiza SWOT. Podkreśla znaczenie ustrukturyzowanego planowania dla trwałego sukcesu biznesowego w rolnictwie.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Wers 1]

You got a dream, now it’s time to plan,
Build the steps, take a stand, understand:
Management is the core, keep it tight,
Leading the team to push goals to new heights.

Industry Analysis, the big picture view,
Scoping out trends, see what’s in, what’s true.
In this field, you need eyes that can see,
The shifts, the risks, in the whole industry.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

This is your blueprint, your guide, your map,
Empowered by knowledge, no turning back.
Each piece a part of the grand design,
From SWOT to plans, we rise and shine.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Wers 2]

Location Analysis, find where to grow,
It’s not just land; it’s where profits flow.
Study the spot, make the right choice,
Set up shop, let your business find voice.

Competition Analysis, know who’s around,
Learn from the best, in their strengths, don’t drown.
Spot those gaps, where you’ll make your stand,
Outsmart the rest, that’s how you’ll expand.


This is your blueprint, your guide, your map,
Empowered by knowledge, no turning back.
Each piece a part of the grand design,
From SWOT to plans, we rise and shine.


Marketing Plan, it’s time to be seen,
Map out the way, the goals, the dream.
Reach your crowd, let your vision flow,
With a Financial Plan, so the roots can grow.

Count the costs, balance the cash,
Map the road so your dreams don’t crash.
It’s your journey, so take the wheel,
Build it up strong, make that blueprint real.


This is your blueprint, your guide, your map,
Empowered by knowledge, no turning back.
Each piece a part of the grand design,
From SWOT to plans, we rise and shine.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Roots of the Iceberg

Poniższy tekst i piosenka pochodzą z Lekcji 10 – Kompetencje w agroprzedsiębiorczości.

Kurs ten bada „Model Kompetencji Góry Lodowej”, który odróżnia widoczne kompetencje (umiejętności, wiedza) od ukrytych (cechy, postawy). Uczestnicy zastanawiają się nad swoimi mocnymi stronami i obszarami do rozwoju.

[Wers 1]

We’re diving deep, past the dirt and seeds,
In the world of agri, where vision leads.
It’s not just work; it’s who we become,
Growing skills, planting dreams under the sun.

From GrandFriend hands to lessons learned,
Every failure’s a step, every skill’s earned.
Competency’s the key to unlock success,
To know our strength and face our mess.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

We’re more than what you see, like an iceberg’s face,
Skills on the surface, but there’s hidden grace.
Empowered to grow, not just what’s above –
Beneath lies the strength, the passion, the love.

[Wers 2]

Think about the iceberg, one-ninth’s in view,
The rest is submerged, hidden, but true.
Competency’s more than just skills in hand,
It’s the drive, the grit, the way we stand.

Knowledge and traits, they grow in the dark,
Invisible fuel to ignite the spark.
It’s more than soil, it’s what’s within,
In agro-entrepreneurship, that’s where we begin.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

We’re more than what you see, like an iceberg’s face,
Strength beneath the waves, in a hidden space.
Empowered to grow, not just what’s above –
The roots run deep, it’s our time to love.


The future’s calling, as we sharpen our sight,
Building up power, in both day and night.
We are young, but these roots grow fast,
In the field of tomorrow, we’re built to last.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: [Refren]

We’re more than what you see, like an iceberg’s face,
Every hidden part adds to our grace.
Empowered to grow, as our knowledge expands—
We stand as agro-entrepreneurs, guiding the lands.


So dig deep, stay hungry to learn,
This path is a cycle, where we plant and return.
Competency’s more than the tools in your hand—
It’s the life you’ll build on this fertile land.

Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend: Wnioski

Podsumowując, edukacyjne piosenki GrandFriend to dzieło sztuki mające na celu szkolenie ludzi za pomocą muzyki. Piosenki edukacyjne GrandFriend to alternatywny sposób uczenia się.

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